Category: Uncategorized

Traditional Holiday Cookie Recipes

Uncategorized There’s something magical about the scent of freshly baked cookies and a warm oven that really brings the holidays to life each year. Spicy gingerbread, buttery, sugar cookies and rich chocolate chip wafting through your kitchen and home somehow...

Budget-Friendly Recipes You’ll Love

Uncategorized Even the most experienced and nuanced cooks know that cooking healthy recipes with a variety of fresh ingredients can be good for your body, but not as much for your bank account. Cooking at home certainly saves money over eating out, but if saving money...

7 Tips For Protecting Your Skin From The Sun

Uncategorized There are many perks to living in beautiful, sunny Virginia Beach, and the warm weather months seem to constantly remind us of them. Our close proximity to beaches, the bay and other natural waterways, as well as our easy access to natural parks, hiking...

Senior Health: Fall Fitness Ideas

Uncategorized Now that summer has made its way to fall and the weather is turning cooler, it may be time to adjust your daily or weekly fitness routine. In summer months, getting outside for a swim or a long bike ride is convenient and easy, while fall and winter...